My Account → Profile

The newest released apps in the catalog.

  1. Quantity: 100 apps
  2. Order: Newest to oldest released
  3. Size of each app unit: 4 columns

On top of the listing area, showcase “Top Three New Apps”.


  1. The page can display unlimited rows of app units.
  2. Each row contains 1 app units.
  3. So 1 app from “Top three new apps” is showcased at a time.
  4. Swipe left/right to navigate through the showcase carousel.


  1. The page displays 4 rows of app units.
  2. Each row contains 2 app units.
  3. Use the directional arrow – or swipe – to navigate through the app unit carousel.
  4. Every tap of the directional arrow scrolls the app units to the next 8 in queue.


  1. Like the Tablet layout, the page displays 4 rows of app units.
  2. However, each row contains 3 app units, with overflow space on either side.
  3. Like the Tablet layout, use the directional arrow to navigate.
  4. Every click of the directional arrow scrolls the app units to the next 12 in queue.
  5. Currently displayed apps are always centered on the screen.