Project Overview
Recent research by our Strategy and Insights team has shown that, across the apps ecosystem, developer perception is lowest when it comes to submitting and marketing applications (see: The App Developer Experience.).
Our Mission
- Create a positive app submision/management experience for developers.
- Use that positive experience as a point of differentiation from our competitors.
Developer Attitude
- We want developers to see the Firefox Marketplace as the "Developer Friendly App Store."
- We want more developers to create apps and more developers to maintain/upgrade their apps - leading to a larger, more dynamic Marketplace.
Project Context
This project is the initial step in taking the Firefox Marketplace "devhub" from where it is today to being "The Developer Friendly App Store." All aspects of the user experience are under consideration for redesign.
On this site, we'll describe the developer submission and management experience as we (Mozilla) believe it should be. Consider this document a description of our destination, rather than the final map for getting there. As part of our process, we will provide some high-level thinking about the map. But our real focus is to describe an improved submission process through concepts and design stories.
The entire contents of this document is currently "in-progress." We invite you to participate in the latest Discussion Thread in the Open Issues (see the the link in the top navigation). Or feel free to clone and make pull requests against this site's gh-pages branch.