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Traditional Mozillian Contributors
- Definition: Mozilla contributors who are already engaged in other Mozilla projects.
- Motivation: believe in the mission, interested in technology. Especially keen on doing things that they’ve done in other Mozilla projects. Localising the experience to their language/country/region is one.
- How to recruit: leverage existing methods of recruiting contributors.
App enthusiasts/Marketplace evangelists
- Definition: the big question is, does this person exist? We’re not sure, but we know that they’re very important to this project, and there’s a possibility that the other two user types could have strong interest and expertise in apps.
- Motivation: passionate to share their expertise about apps and specific types of apps (photography/music) with others
- How to recruit: find people in the Marketplace already contributing content (e.g. reviews)
- Definition: active users whose primary interest is in apps. Not necessarily in localisation/maintenance. Not necessarily with review expertise, either.
- Motivation: passionate about apps. Want to find apps in the marketplace and help others find apps. Would participate in activities like leaving reviews, upvoting contenting, sharing content, etc.
- How to recruit: find people in the Marketplace who are already contributing content (e.g. reviews)
How user types relate to each other
Might not represent the view of the team. Discuss on the GitHub issue.
- A subset of everyday users are already considered participants, even without them realising it. When we find participants, we should send them our call to action to contribute.
- Participants who responded are interested in either 1) creating new materials or 2) maintaining existing Marketplace content. Those who prefer to create are “App Enthusiasts”.
- A subset of Mozillian Contributors are interested to contribute to the Marketplace project. We should recruit them.
- A subset of recruited Contributors prefer to localise and maintain existing content.
- Another subset of recruited Contributors prefer to contribute in an Editorial capacity. They are “App Enthusiasts”.