The Around application is an HTML5 Foursquare client from Mozilla.
It's designed to illustrate key features of developing Open Web Apps and will serve as a reference application for the Mozilla Developer Network. In particular, the Around application is a good example of an app that uses geo-location, takes advantage of offline storage, and interacts with a 3rd-party API.
Refining the User Experience
This site contains recommendations from the Mozilla Marketplace UX team for design and feature enhancements for Around.
Desired Features
- Include Search in the Explore view
- Allow user to add a venue to her To-Do list
- Allow user to view and cross items off her To-Do list. When user checksin, automatically do this for her.
- Show badges earned after checkin
- Enhance checkin view to include points, comments, shouts, and likes
- Allow user to send and approve friend requests. And allow user to remove friends.
- Allow user to share a venue via email or SMS through Firefox OS
- Show the public lists that a venue is on
- Improved errors
- Include notifications in the app
- Allow user to input her location if GPS is slow